What's Your Pest?
There are a range of different types of flies which are known to cause disturbances and spread their diseases within homes, offices, warehouses and pets.
Flies can detect food sources up to 800 metres away and, as a result, they will land on rubbish, left over food and animal faeces, tracing back onto your food.
Flies also defecate every four to five minutes on average and spread disease such as typhoid, tuberculosis, cholera and dysentery.

Ways to identify the type of fly infestation
It’s always best to call a professional to identify your infestation, but here are some tell-tale signs of particular species:
- Moth Fly – Mostly found in grease traps and sewage treatment works as this is where they breed their larvae. When in the right conditions, the moth fly is a prolific breeder. These flies can be located around bathrooms, in damp sub-floors, in greenhouses and in other locations where moisture and decay are present.
- House Fly – The house fly is the most widespread and annoying flying indoor pests as they circle around food, attempting to contaminate their diseases which include salmonella, hepatitis, cholera, dysentery and poliomyelitis. They are carriers of human diseases as at their larvae stage, they feed on manure, food waste, lawn clippings, and decaying vegetable and animal matter. Female house flies tend to lay their eggs in damp areas close to food supplies. In their single lifetime, female houseflies can produce up to 2,000 egg batches, with each batch of eggs containing 75 to 150 eggs. These eggs quickly become larvae in 24 hours.
- Blow Fly – Normally found near any type of fresh meat or road kill and are attracted to plants that give off any smells resembling rotting meat. The meat is essential for their growth from larvae to adult. Blow flies are distinct and easily identifiable due to their shiny green colour.
- Fruit Fly – Fruit flies are found around canneries, breweries, wineries, fruit and vegetable markets/stores. They’re attracted to fruits and vegetables, particularly containing yeast.
Tips on controlling flies
It’s always best to call a professional to fix the problem, but there are a few steps you can take to minimise ant infestations in the short term:
- Ensure garbage bins and compost bins are closed at all times
- If you have pets thoroughly clean up after them to avoid attracting flies
- Keep all entry points sealed,windows and doors closed
- Install fitting fly screens to ensure flies can’t enter when doors or windows are open
- Ensure garbage bins and compost bins are closed at all times
Keep in mind these solutions will only temporarily fix the problem. If invasions are severe or consistent, Termiticidal Pest Management are here to help. Termiticidal pest control technicians will inspect your property to identify the effected areas and any structural issues your home is suffering from, such as damaged weather stripping or torn screens that flies may be exploiting to enter your home. Our team provides a professional, long-term fly control treatments to keep flies out of your home! Book your fly pest control service today by contacting our team directly or completing an online booking.
Let us help!
Don’t let these pests get the better of you, we’re here to help. Get in touch today for a fast, friendly and reliable pest management service.
Mosquitoes are found in a variety of habitats and are normally located within floodwater, ditches, woodland pools, bodies of water found in backyards including swimming pools, ponds and bird baths, plus various other locations.
In Australia there has been an increase in problems with mosquitoes, causing deaths annually (worldwide).
Mosquito bites are extremely irritating, and attacks occur mostly during the hot and wet summer months. They only have one pair of wings, covered with tiny scales. Full grown mosquitoes vary in size from 3mm to 30mm.

Why mosquitoes are considered pests
Mosquitoes are attracted to people due to a combination of the following:
- Carbon Dioxide – Humans give off carbon dioxide smell each time they breathe out, attracting the female mosquitoes as they have long antennae, as well as palps, which sense odours and are highly sensitive to the smell of carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes can detect CO² from over 50 metres away, which they follow in search of prey.
- Human Sweat – When your body temperature rises, you are more likely to perspire, releasing odour, which then increases your attraction to mosquitoes. Certain types of bacteria which reside on human skin also give off substances like lactic acid, uric acid and ammonia, which mosquitoes can detect. Mosquito bites tend to be more frequent on the wrists, ankles, hands and feet, as these are the parts of the body which often remain uncovered.
- Survival – Female mosquitoes feed on the blood of humans as they require blood for nutrients to develop their eggs. Male mosquitoes are only existent for reproductive purposes.
Tips on how to control mosquitoes
Termiticidals professional technicians will always aim to eliminate your pest problem. For a short-term solution, consider these tips:
- Remove stagnant bodies of water from your property
- Install screens on doors and windows
- Clean and maintain swimming pools and ponds to prevent mosquitoes from breeding on the water
- If you have a pond with live fish consider using species that are mosquito-eating
- Mow your lawns regularly as tall grass can normally be used as a resting place
Keep in mind these solutions will only temporarily fix the problem. If invasions are severe or consistent, Termiticidal Pest Management are here to help. Our team provides a professional, long-term mosquitoe pest control treatments to keep mosquitoes out of your home! Book your mosquitoes pest control service today by contacting our team directly or completing an online booking.
Let us help!
Don’t let these pests get the better of you, we’re here to help. Get in touch today for a fast, friendly and reliable pest management service.
Bees & wasps
Bees are found on plants, in trees, wall cavities, compost bins and other areas with cavities. They are most active during the day. Bees have actually been observed to sleep in groups during the night.
European wasp backs are yellow, with black stripes and dots on the side of the abdomen. They are more aggressive and tend to nest in cavities, ceilings, walls, trees, compost bins or even in the ground. Unlike bees, wasps are able to sting multiple times. Wasps are active at any time of the day, with some species only active before the sun rises. Wasps are more widespread, found almost everywhere. They can be found in soil, on the ground, inside fruit, in their mud or paper nests, and around the home.
Being stung by a wasp or bee is a painful experience and can be life threatening to anyone who may be allergic to stings. Their stings produce histamine in humans and can cause anaphylaxis, increasing the risk of swelling in airways, difficulty in breathing and a drop in blood pressure. It is best to keep away from bee or wasp nests, ensure you keep children away, keeping windows and doors securely closed. Sweets and sticky foods should be stored appropriately. If you discover a bee or wasp nest it may be tempting to remove it yourself, however, without having the experience in terminating these nests, it’s best to hire one of our professional technicians who can do this without harming anyone.
Termiticidal ensures that whenever it is possible, bees and wasps will be safely removed from your property.

Tips on how to keep bees and wasps under control
Make use of these tips to keep bees and wasps controlled, but be sure to follow up with us to fix the problem for good:
- Don’t leave soda cans open as sugar-laden liquids attract wasps which as a result could get stuck in someones throat or mouth.
- Bees sometimes drink from pet water bowls so prevent this from happening by positioning the water tray with water and floating corks on a level that’s above the pet bowl, and in the line of flight of the bees – corks enable the bees to safely land attracting them to the tray rather than the bowl.
- Do not approach nests – always contact a professional exterminator to do the job.
If invasions are severe or consistent, Termiticidal Pest Management are here to help. Our pest control technicians are professionally trained with extensive experience around bees and wasps nest removal. Termiticidal provides a professional, long-term bee and wasp nest removal and treatments to keep these pests out of your home! Book your bees or wasps nest removal and pest control service today by contacting our team directly or completing an online booking.
Let us help!
Don’t let these pests get the better of you, we’re here to help. Get in touch today for a fast, friendly and reliable pest management service.